Food & Goods

Donating in-kind gifts support Keystone's mission. We welcome donations of food, personal care items, used bikes and so much more.

Your Support is Vital

Donations of food and personal care items are greatly appreciated and vital for our food shelves! Your contributions and support help provide nourishing support to your neighbors in need.

increase your impact this spring

2024 Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign – February 26 – April 6

The Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign brings together organizations, businesses, faith communities, and individuals to help stock and support food shelves across the state! Minnesotans made over 7 million visits to food shelves in 2023, a significant increase over 2022. More people are struggling to cover grocery costs and are turning to food shelves for food support.  Keystone Community Services is a vital resource for many of your neighbors in Ramsey County.

Your support during the Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign will help fill our food shelf and ensure your neighbor has access to quality and healthy food options. The Minnesota FoodShare FoodFund will proportionally match all donations (cash donations and in-kind food donations) Keystone receives for our food shelves during the March campaign.

MN FoodShare

If you are hosting a food drive for Keystone, here is a brief guide for getting started:

  • Choose the dates of your drive
  • Reach out to Keystone to let us know about your drive
  • Request donation barrels or promotional signage from Keystone if needed
  • Collect your donations
  • Coordinate a time to drop off your collected donations

 Get Hours and Details to Drop Off of In-kind Donations

Most Need Food Shelf Items

We welcome shelf-stable grocery items and encourage a variety of donations. Here is a list of some of our most needed items:

  • Cereal
  • Canned fruit
  • Peanut butter
  • Pasta
  • Quick to prepare meals
  • Canned meat and proteins (i.e. tuna, hearty stews, chicken, etc.)
  • Cooking staples (i.e. flour, sugar, cooking oil, etc.)
  • Culturally specific items (i.e. soy sauce, fish sauce, masa, etc.)

Donation Drive Information

Please keep in mind that this is not a complete list of items we accept. If you have a special item in mind to donate or have questions about our donation process, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

In addition to food donations, Keystone stocks our food shelves by purchasing food in bulk from food banks. These purchasing programs help us stretch your dollars even further and support more of our neighbors.

Give a financial gift today 

Have more questions? We would love to connect with you further about your donation drive and support you in any way we can.

Contact Us