Report to the Community & 2023 Annual Report

Investing for Impact
Strengthening Our Community

Helping our neighbors remain healthy, engaged and thriving.

Celebrating Success and 
Re-centering Our Energy

2023 was a year of growth as we began to realize the tangible results of our Opening Doors to Food Security capital campaign, which began back in 2019. With your support, we’ve been able to respond, bringing food to more people and uplifting our community with expanded programs and services.

Construction of the new Keystone Community Food Center was completed at the end of 2023, and we celebrated its opening on January 3, 2024. Not only do we have a brand new, beautiful and significantly larger space, but its functionality has also allowed us to better serve our participants and meet increased needs in our community.

Now that the construction and capital campaign is behind us, we are able to re-center our energy to focus on the full spectrum of our programs, which continue to bolster our organizational goals of ending hunger and supporting community members on their journey to live self-sufficient, dignified lives.

With your generosity, we’re humbled to report that we supported a total of 54,917 neighbors through Keystone’s programs in 2023, which was a 20% increase over the previous year. Through strategic leadership and our amazing community of supporters and champions, we are poised to continue strengthening our programs to improve the lives of all community members in the years to come.

Hope is in store! Thank you for investing for impact and helping us grow the good in St. Paul and Ramsey County – it sincerely makes a difference.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Adero Riser Cobb

Tiffany Kong
Chair, Board of Directors 

Tiffany Kong
Chair, Board of Directors 

Nourishing Neighbors

With rates of food insecurity on the rise, hunger is a daily struggle for many of our neighbors. Keystone serves a growing number of children, adults and seniors, providing support and putting more food on more tables. The new Keystone Community Food Center gives us greater capacity to respond to increased community needs.

Nourishing the 
Whole Community

In 2023, we focused on supporting community members in ways that are accessible and dignified, breaking down barriers to food access. After receiving many requests for grocery delivery from seniors living in the same apartment complex, we strategically added a Foodmobile stop there, which allowed us to serve many more at the same location. In order to ensure that delivery services reach those most in need, we revised our eligibility and screening criteria in collaboration with Keystone’s case management team and community partners like Metro Mobility. 

In order to best serve those with limited English skills, we hired Spanish- and Karen-speaking staff for our food shelf locations and translated signs into multiple languages. We also increased our food purchasing budget by 40% in response to increased demand.

Engaging Youth
and Families

As youth continue to make up for years of distance learning and lack of socialization, enriching after-school and summer programming helps them stay engaged in their learning and grow alongside other students. Keystone's youth programs give BIPOC youth and students from families with limited income experiences that help close the opportunity gap. 

We provide youth with individual attention from tutors and caring mentors, tailored learning opportunities and access to programs that provide enriching experiences. We provide teens with job opportunities that allow them to continue developing interpersonal skills as they grow older, and set them up with tools to succeed as they continue in the workforce.

Keystone's youth programs help youth develop skills to succeed in school and in the community through unique after-school programs and early employment experiences.

Best Buy Teen Tech Center

At this after-school center, teens work on creative, technology-rich projects and learn valuable skills from adult mentors. Keystone is proud to have a Best Buy Teen Tech Center and be a member of the Clubhouse Network, a collaboration with the MIT Media Lab.

Community Kids

Serving youth in grades K–10, Community Kids offers year-round daily academic and youth development experiences, which promote school achievement and social-emotional learning. Community Kids is a 21st Century Community Learning Center and an accredited after-school program.

Teen Tutor Program

Youth in grades K–8 receive year-round tutoring and enrichment opportunities though our Teen Tutor Program. Teen employees lead this program in their first work experience under intensive training and supervision by skilled Keystone staff.

Teen Employment Program

Keystone offers unique opportunities for young people to acquire job experience and learn skills that prepare them for the workforce. Express Bike Shop, a social enterprise of Keystone Community Services, is a full-service bike shop and learning lab for teens. Teens also work at Keystone program sites and with community partners.


Many older adults in our community are at risk of becoming disconnected from others and from resources to support their well-being. Seniors who face food insecurity and isolation are more likely to experience other physical and mental health challenges. Keystone Senior Services provides support that older adults need in order to age with dignity and connection.

Thank You, Donors and Volunteers
You make a difference today and every day! Everything we do is made possible by caring people like you – our supporters and volunteers. Thank you for your commitment to supporting and strengthening our community!

Thank You for Investing for Impact

After five years of dreaming, planning and working together, we opened the Keystone Community Food Center in January 2024! From day one of launching our campaign, our Keystone community was with us every step of the way. You understood our vision, offered guidance and advice, and answered the call to invest in this project to support our community. 

Our community generously gave over $11 million to help open the new building, which brings all Keystone’s food shelf programs, including the Foodmobile, grocery delivery program and resource navigation services under one roof. This one location will be a hub for food support and a welcoming place for all. Together, we have opened the doors to the Keystone Community Food Center to ensure everyone has food on their tables!

1,850 supporters  
made a meaningful and immediate impact through their generous gifts. 

2023 Financial Overview

Keystone is in a capital campaign to support the new Keystone Community Food Center which has resulted in higher than usual cash reserves and liabilities as we raise funds and pay for expenses dedicated specifically for the new facility. 

Statement of Activities
For the year ended December 31, 2023 with comparative totals for 2022.

REVENUE 2023 2022
Contributions $2,923,926 $4,524,720
In-kind Contributions $ 3,340,980 $3,466,394
Fees for Service* (Government contracts & Grants) $3,660,954 $2,578,244
Bike Sales $345,387 $313,443
Less Cost of Goods Sold -$99,066 -$77,529
Other Revenue** (Investment, Miscellaneous, Program Service Fees, Food Sales, Tour Sales) $635,239 $122,775
TOTAL Revenue $10,807,420 $10,928,047
EXPENSES 2023 2022
Basic Needs $ 4,728,950 $4,845,280
Youth Services $892,673 $870,670
Senior Services $505,714 $407,124
Case Management $1,551,364 $1,269,475
Express Bike $443,272 $351,983
Management & General $1,044,151 $974,526
Fundraising $827,970 $880,159
TOTAL Expenses $9,994,094 $9,599,217
Change in Net Assets $813,326 $1,328,830 
Net Assets, Beginning of Year $8,324,986 $6,665,192 
Net Asset Prior Period Adjustment  $330,964
Net Assets, End of Year $9,138,312 $8,324,986 

2023 Revenue

2023 Expenses

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