
See our Impact — Read Keystone’s 2019 Annual Report

Posted Thursday, August 13, 2020

Connecting with our Community to meet Needs

In 2019, Keystone celebrated 80 years of being a valued and trusted resource in the community. Keystone was founded by neighbors who wanted to support their new neighbors so they felt connected to their community. Connecting people to their community and responding with support is what we did in 1939 and it is what we still do today.

None of this work is possible without you! Our community of donors, volunteers, advocates, community partners and supporters are the heart of everything Keystone does, and we are so grateful for all the ways you shape and help us support our neighbors.

Honoring our 80-year tradition of connecting with our neighbors to learn about and meet community needs, in 2019 we embarked on a large strategic planning process to help shape the strategic direction for Keystone for the next five years. Through this comprehensive strategic planning process, more than 750 community members including program participants, business partners, volunteers, donors and faith community leaders participated in community engagement activities during the planning process.

Your voice matters – these survey results, conversations, and community meetings helped set strategic goals that will shape Keystone’s path forward and provide support for more people. Thank you! We invite you to read the strategic goals (on page 3 of the 2019 Annual Report) you helped create for Keystone and we look forward to sharing more updates about our goals with you in the months and years ahead.

This 2019 Annual Report features program highlights and stories about everything you make possible in our community. Thank you for your generous support!


Julie Novak, Board of Directors Chair and Mary McKeown, President/CEO

Read our 2019 Keystone Annual Report Today