Care Consultation

Highly experienced social workers evaluate and coordinate services to help older adults remain living at home as long as possible.
Elderly woman and case manager

Keeping Seniors Living in the Community

Keystone’s senior program helps seniors live with dignity and remain connected to the community. The goal is to support seniors and adults with disabilities in the place they call home.

Addressing changing needs

As needs change for seniors, they might need additional support or resources to continue living in the community. Navigating the various programs can be overwhelming and stressful – that’s where Keystone comes in. Our highly skilled social work staff assess needs and can suggest resources to help. We use person-centered approaches in everything we do and our goal is to help people live life to the fullest.

Care Consultants

Keystone Care Consultants provide critical services to help seniors navigate their health, economic and social needs. We help seniors, families and caregivers make the best care decisions to meet unique needs and goals.

Assistance from Experienced staff

Care management is provided by highly trained and experienced social workers. Care managers meet with individuals in their home or at one of our community centers and provide support and assistance. We complete assessments, meet with the senior, gather input from caregivers and create goals together. Based on the goals, we inform the senior and caregivers about the services that are available in the community and help them access them. This might be setting up rides to a social program, researching housing options, or making a referral to an agency to help them with grocery shopping and cleaning. Keystone staff will continue to work with the individual and family until the needs are met.

Health Advocacy

Keystone care managers can accompany seniors to doctor’s visits, advocate for the senior’s health needs and assist the senior with health-related communications between primary care providers, specialists, home health care, pharmacy, hospital staff and out-of-town family members.

Caregiver Support

Keystone care managers assess levels of caregiver stress and provide access to supportive services. These supports help seniors remain stable at home and help the caregiver remain healthy and active.

Looking for more information?

Email us your questions (via the link below) or contact us to request mailed materials. Call our Merriam Park Community Center location at 651-645-0349 and ask to speak to a Keystone Care Consultant.

Contact a Keystone Care Consultant today

How Keystone Care Consultants Can Help

As your parents or relatives age, you may be increasingly concerned about their welfare and well-being. If you are already providing care to a spouse, parent or other relative, you may sense that things are changing and that additional help is needed. Navigating these changes can be challenging but Keystone Care Consultants can help.

Support for Short-Term Crisis or Long-Term Planning

Whether you’re facing a short-term crisis or need long-term planning, our senior care managers can help you figure out what to do. As licensed social workers with extensive experience working with seniors, our care managers have in-depth knowledge of medical, health, social and financial issues and resources for seniors. We can help you address the full continuum of needs, such as housing, home care assistance, transportation, housekeeping, and much more. We evaluate needs and consider options, recommend solutions, and help everyone arrive at the best decisions.

Our Areas of Assessment

  • Support system – Who is currently supporting the senior and how? Is the individual able to get out into the community? How often? If not, what are the barriers?
  • Strengths and preferences – What does the senior like to do? Are there any activities they’d like to do but haven’t been able to do? What is important to them?
  • Housing – Where does the individual live? Can they continue living there safely?
  • Health conditions and medications – Any health issues? Memory loss? Alcohol, substance abuse, or tobacco use? What medications is the senior taking and how is it being managed?
  • Insurance information – Does the individual carry the proper insurance?
  • Activities of daily living– Can the individual handle bathing, dressing, grooming? Can they prepare their own meals, do cleaning and laundry? Are they able to manage their finances? What is their primary mode of transportation?
  • Mental health concerns  Is there any evidence of depression or anxiety? Any history of receiving mental health support?
  • Cognitive screening – Any signs of cognitive decline or memory loss? If indicated, Keystone will conduct further screening.
  • Advanced Directives (health care power of attorney, etc.) – Are the individual’s future health care needs and wishes documented? Who will make decisions if the senior is unable to?

How We Do Our Work

We evaluate needs and consider options, recommend solutions, and help everyone arrive at the best decisions.

  • Step One: Assessment

    We begin with an individualized, in-home assessment when we meet with the senior, caregivers and family. We assess key areas and listen to everyone’s thoughts and concerns. We can also conduct the initial assessment on the phone when emergency care management assistance is needed.

  • Step Two: Plan of Care

    After assessment, we develop a plan of care. The care plan outlines recommendations based on the goals. The care plan includes actions, carefully screened providers, costs, insurance options, community resources, etc. We share the plan with all concerned and recommend next steps.

  • Step Three: Coordination

    Based on your desires, we help you, family and caregivers carry out the plan of care as desired. Our care managers can coordinate the services and care providers, or simply be available as a guide. We can also make referrals to other helpful services.

  • Step Four: Follow-up Support

    Our care managers can provide follow-up as requested. We can help:

    • Assist with insurance questions.
    • Monitor the quality of care of selected providers.
    • Escort elders to medical and other appointments.
    • Meet periodically with elders to assess how they are doing.
    • Meet with family members to mediate senior care issues.

Care Consultation Rates

The hourly rate for Keystone Care Consultants is $80/hour. We offer package deals that many seniors and families enjoy.

  • Silver Package – Pre-pay for up to 6 hours of service for $465.
  • Gold Package – Pre-pay for up to 10 hours of service for $750.

Waiver Case Management

Our team of Licensed Social Workers provide ongoing case management for seniors and adults with disabilities who qualify for home and community-based services. They provide vital assessments and supports that help individuals to remain living in the community. Their wealth of knowledge and compassion help individuals maintain and improve their physical, emotional and economic health.

Contracts with Ramsey County, Hennepin County and Medica provide us referrals to serve individuals on a variety of waivers designed for seniors and adults with disabilities.

If you would like to learn more about receiving Waiver Case Management request a long-term care consultation from the county you live in.