The RUN 4 NEIGHBORS 5K FUN RUN is an effort to reduce hunger and poverty in the Roseville, Minnesota area. Proceeds from the event will be given to Keystone Community Services. The event is organized by Keystone Congregation partner, Centennial United Methodist Church.
Stop by for free vegetables and fruits. Participants should have a household income within 200% of the federal poverty guideline. Shoppers may arrive one hour in advance of the produce distribution to receive a numbered ticket. We encourage shoppers to bring your own bags to carry produce home. For more information about these events click […]
Contribute School Supplies Keystone hosts an annual back-to-school backpack drive in August to provide local youth with items to help them prepare to go back to school. School supply items can be dropped off at our community center locations during the office hours from August 16 - 22. Backpacks and supplies will be given to […]
Stop by for free vegetables and fruits. Participants should have a household income within 200% of the federal poverty guideline. Shoppers may arrive one hour in advance of the produce distribution to receive a numbered ticket. We encourage shoppers to bring your own bags to carry produce home. For more information about these events click […]
Stop by for free vegetables and fruits. Participants should have a household income within 200% of the federal poverty guideline. Shoppers may arrive one hour in advance of the produce distribution to receive a numbered ticket. We encourage shoppers to bring your own bags to carry produce home. For more information about these events click […]